The Poppin' Bottles Dad-Cast

Why Yes It IS Men’s Health Month – Time to Eat Right!

I’m not sure about you guys, but when I look in the mirror a lot of the time I don’t like the reflection I see. I’m not exactly what you would call “in shape” or “fit”. I haven’t been in some time, either. Several times a year I tell myself I’ll do something about it. I tell myself that now is the time for me to change my diet, or change up my workout routine (meaning start a workout routine), or just do something to get myself in better shape. This month is no different, but it also is kind of different.

Why? Because June is National Men’s Health Month. AND, Father’s Day is in June. It’s a win-win for reasons to get your self in shape. If not in shape, then definitely start to work towards being in shape. Why are we talking about Men’s Health Month? Well, for one, we need to get in better shape and be healthier. No one wants to cut their time with their children short because they did nothing about the health of their body. Secondly, we’ve partnered with the fine folks at Flatout Flatbread to help YOU start working on your own healthy eating journey.

Flatout sent us a variety of their Flatout Foldits flatbreads to try, including some from their Hungry Girl variety. In case you don’t know, Hungry Girl is in honor of Lisa Lillien’s cookbook. We were able to give them a test run through the Poppin’ Bottles test kitchen (not an actual place) and try out some pretty cool recipes. Some came from the cookbook, others came from our brains. Honestly, the easiest thing for us while working in the kitchen was simply using flatbread as a replacement for a roll, bread, tortilla, bagel, etc.

I absolutely loved using them with burgers–turkey and beef–and came out with some fantastic results. And, we have some video proof of that, too! We did a very special #AskADad episode with a little preview of me in action on the grill.

I grilled a turkey burger and the whole wheat with flax flatbread. Topped the burger with American cheese, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, spicy mustard, and sriracha and ZOHMYGOD it was so good!

I also used them A LOT for breakfast. Some eggs plus bacon, peppers, cheese, and sriracha and BOOM a delicious breakfast sandwich. Low on carbs!
Every flatbread variety is low in fat, a good source of fiber and of course, perfect for burgers, sandwiches and super easy pizza. So with Flatout Foldits less is more…less calories, carbs and time with more flavor and options!
We’re committed to being healthier and we started with these tasty flatbread choices. And, we want YOU to join in the journey with us! How? That is super simple! You see this link on over here? The one that says coupon? Go ahead and click on it and find yourself a coupon for Flatout Flatbreads.

That’s not all we want you to do, though. We want to know what recipes you’re using this month–and beyond–to eat healthier. Share your recipes with us on Twitter and Instagram using the #FlatOutDelicious and tag us at @PBDadCast. We’ll do a roundup post at the end of June and include our favorite reader submissions in the post!

Disclosure: We’ve partnered with Flatout Flatbread for this promotion. I have received compensation and product for my participation, but our opinions are our own.